Let’s start with the obvious: the photography industry feels over-saturated. The bar of entry is low and it can be hard to see your path forward. The temptation to emulate or be inspired by photographers you admire and deem successful is strong. It’s so strong, it’s led to thousands of look-alike brands and websites; ultimately, feeding into the vicious cycle of over saturation. As someone who fell victim to this for many years (and lived with a brand I secretly hated), I understand how difficult it can be to break free. This post is going to walk you through the importance of a unique photography brand and step-by-step action items to get started.
Differentiate or Disappear
- Competition is Fierce: Much like Starbucks, there’s a photographer on every corner. Differentiating yourself and your brand is vital. In a sea of coffee loving shutterbugs, choose your content pillars more wisely (more on that below).
- Memorability is Key: A distinct online brand makes you memorable. Think about it – clients are scrolling through dozens of websites at a time. At the end, their mind is fatigued. Be the brand that sticks out in the crowd!
- Trust and Credibility: A unique online presence can also enhance your credibility. It shows that you are serious about your craft and that you have put thought and effort into your brand. This can instill trust in potential clients who are looking for your services.
Not convinced just yet? Once you’re done with this post, put yourself in the mind of a potential client. Google any city or state that you have zero affiliation with + any niche you don’t do. Check out 5-10 websites and make a mental note of the brand colors, the layout, etc. But the ultimate test is the About Me page. I’m willing to bet most sound nearly identical from the time they “first picked up a camera” to their love for coffee and travel.
When I first did this exercise at the behest of my mentor, I felt like the least unique person on the planet. The point certainly isn’t to make you feel bad about your current brand – instead, I want to light a creative spark in you that allows you to take it to the next level. I want your brand and business to attract ideal clients who feel connected to YOU and who are excited to work with YOU!
Consider this your official permission slip to stop emulating and start creating a brand that makes you happy.
Building Your Unique Brand
Now that we understand the importance of a unique online brand, let’s explore how you can go about building one. I’m going to start from ground zero because oftentimes, elevating your brand means redefining your audience and brand visuals. You might find those could be the same but it’s always a good idea to check-in and ensure your brand is helping you meet your goals.
- Define Your Brand’s Identity
Your brand’s identity is the core of what makes you unique. Start by answering these questions:
- Why should someone hire you over the next photographer?
- Who is your target audience? What problem do you solve for them?
- Why did you really start your business? What drives you and motivates you every day to show up for your clients?
If you’re anything like me, coming up with profound answers to these open-ended questions is like pulling teeth. Try out the WHY?! exercise. For example, a wedding photographer might answer the first question with, “I should be hired because I am good at capturing the day as it unfolds.” Awesome, write that down! Then, ask yourself WHY?! “Because I act like a fly on the wall, observing everyone and everything.” WHY?! “Because I know my couple won’t be able to notice every single moment, the day goes by quickly.” WHY?! “Because I know they will cherish being able to look back on this important day and photographs elicit memories.” WHY?! “Because I eloped and sometimes wish I had memories with loved ones from our wedding day.”
Those answers may or may not be from personal experience…But you can see how you’ll eventually get to a deeper answer. You might need to ask WHY?! 2-3 times or 6-7 times. Whatever gets the job done! Because no two photographers will have the same answers, these will build a foundation for your unique brand.
- Design a Unique Logo and Visual Elements
The colors, the logo, the visuals – while you’ve probably heard this “isn’t your brand” – it is your brand’s virtual outfit and you definitely don’t want to show up online naked. I’m a huge believer in outsourcing this to a professional who can create something geared toward your audience, but if you don’t have the means, come up with something that feels like you on a page. And something you can consistently use throughout your website and social media.
- Determine Your Personality Pillars
Also called content pillars – these will breathe life into your brand and be what your audience connects with. Coffee, dogs, and travel are no longer the strong towers on which you can build your brand that they used to be. Don’t be afraid to be polarizing. In fact, it’s the fastest way to establish your brand. Only share what you’re comfortable with – the internet is forever after all. It can be as superficial as your favorite fast-food order or as deep as your passion to advocate for mental health as an entrepreneur. The goal is to post about these things often… way more often than posting “loved this session with The Smith Family!” Viewers don’t care about a stranger’s photos, they crave connection, so give them something to latch onto. BUT the reason I call them personality pillars is because above all else, you HAVE to inject your brand with some personality. Are you witty? Goofy? Sarcastic? Soft? Loud? Charismatic? Adventurous? However, you are in real life is how you should show up online. Write captions the same way you speak. Hop on stories and pretend like you’re FaceTiming your bestie.
Potential clients do not care about your journey to become a photographer. You might be scoffing at me and that’s okay. They know you’re a photographer, that’s why they landed on your website in the first place! A quick rundown is the most you need. Instead, capture their attention with more interesting things about you. Which leads me to the next point:
- Craft an Engaging About Me Page
We’re ditching the generic template of how/when you started, where you are now, and a few quips about your personal life. At least, we’re putting that toward the bottom of the page. This is the perfect opportunity to tell potential clients “about you” in a way that actually serves them. What is your client experience like? How do you solve their problem? How are you different? Let that brand identity shine! Center your ideal client and I promise your inquiries will go up.
Putting Your Brand Into Action
- Build Know, Like & Trust
It’s time to take your new found, personality-packed brand and get to work. Think of social media less as a stagnant portfolio page and more as a way to engage your audience and display your expertise. Sharing more about you, your personal life, behind the scenes, FAQs, and even content that isn’t photography related but resonates with your audience, will slowly build a community. If you want to learn more about what that looks like, check out my blog post here.
- Find Something Consistent
Maybe it’s blogging, weekly story polls, get ready with me, a day in the life, themed content, TikTok dances…whatever tickles your fancy and gets you showing up consistently. Nothing is concrete so experiment and find what you enjoy + what gets your audience engaged. I struggle the most with the nagging thought of, “someone else has probably shared this already so why am I adding to the pile?” And yeah, maybe they have! But they don’t have your viewers and they don’t have your insight. What you have to say will always be unique!
- Collaborate and Network
Punch up your strong online brand by taking it offline and getting into your community. Collaborate with other businesses in the area that your ideal client loves. Find networking events or clubs you can join. You might be surprised to hear how much someone loves your online presence and really connected with (insert personality pillar here). Add value into your community and they’ll give it back tenfold!
The Rewards of a Unique Online Brand
It won’t happen overnight, but investing time and effort into building a unique online brand as a photographer can be huge for your business:
- Client Attraction: A distinct brand attracts clients who resonate with your style and values (it also repels anyone who isn’t a good fit).
- Increased Pricing Power: As your brand becomes more recognized and trusted, you can command higher prices for your services.
- Long-Term Success: A unique brand can set you up for long-term success, as clients are more likely to remember and recommend you.
In conclusion, standing out online as a photographer is not just about showcasing your work; it’s about crafting a unique brand that resonates with your target audience. In a crowded digital space, a strong brand identity sets you apart, builds trust, and ultimately leads to greater success for your business. Use these steps to elevate your brand and just watch as your business starts to flourish!
Want to connect more? Follow me on instagram @abbiegowin.branding or send me an email to letschat@abbiegowin.com. I look forward to hearing from you!