eff Lubin is a photographer who believes in the power of lighting and technical details to elevate his work. In his opinion, understanding the technical aspects of photography can make a photographer more confident and versatile.
One of the lighting patterns that Lubin loves but finds is not often taught is the double profile. This lighting technique is not only interesting but can also create a high-impact and subtle effect on portraits. The double profile lighting is perfect for portraits where the artist wants to grab the viewer’s attention to a specific aspect of the subject’s face.
To achieve this effect, Lubin uses four lights; a 60 inch umbrella for a fill, a 36-inch strip light for the hair, and two photogenic parabolics with white diffusers with 16-inch barn-doors. Lubin also uses a Phaseone Camera with an IQ180 Digital Back.
Lubin sets his camera to 125 at F8.5 and starts by lighting the overall scene using the 60inch umbrella for the fill light reading at F5.6. The hair light is set to F8, and the barn-doors on the parabolic lights are 80% closed so only a small strip of light is emanating from each unit. Lubin advises that photographers should not direct the parabolic lights directly at the subjects’ faces but, instead, toward the edge of the light.
Regarding posing, Lubin warns photographers to avoid distorting the subjects’ faces by having them turn too much into the camera or away from it. Lubin had his twin subjects tell each other something silly to get them to interact and forget about the camera.
In conclusion, to Lubin, the double profile lighting may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it because it creates a world of difference from flat frontal lighting. Lubin believes that photographers can separate themselves from the pack by adding creativity to their photography. By becoming artists in lighting and posing, photographers can capture more compelling images that can express the subjects’ personality and expression.
If you want to see more of Lubin’s work, visit his website at www.jefflubin.com.